Projects implemented by the Wildlife Conservation Society include:
- Monitoring and control of conservation significant natural areas on the northern Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, 2005 – 2010: monitoring of investment projects that could lead to the destruction of habitats, etc. and providing advice to regional administrations, the Regional Inspectorate of the Environment and Waters of the Ministry of the Environment and local municipalities, as well as participating in meetings and discussions organized by the Society or municipal and state structures; implementing direct conservation activities in these areas – waste removal, placement of nest boxes for birds, etc.)
- Biological monitoring of Durankulak and Shabla – Ezeret Lakes, 2006-2007: project includes periodic sampling and processing of samples of phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos at a number of points in both lakes, and the elaboration of an analytical report on the status of aquatic ecosystems in both lakes;
- Forum for the conservation and sustainable management of natural ecosystems in the lower reaches of the river Kamchiya , 2004-2005: Organization of meetings between the responsible institutions and stakeholders in the regional forum aimed at drawing up a proposal for declaring “The Kamchiya Nature Park” and a biosphere reserve in the lower reaches of the river;
- Placement of information sign boards in the following protected areas in Varna and Dobrich districts, 2004-2006: Durankulak lake, Shabla – Ezeret lake, Yatata, cape Kaliakra, Kamchiya Sands, Kamchiya Reserve, Pashov Dol, Petrich, Kirov Dol; Cleaning construction and communal waste accumulated in the Kamchia Nature Reserve and its buffer zone;
- Assessment of the species diversity and environmental importance of mammals in the areas “Royashki rock“, “The ring”, “Goat River” and “Big and little Veil” and producing a detailed report, 2004 – 2005; a project funded by the Association for Ecotourism Development.
- “Stop the Poaching at Durankulak Lake”, 2009 – 2010: The project involved thorough research on the levels and impact of poaching, especially concerning the globally threatened Red-breasted Goose, at Durankulak Lake in the wintering season 2009-2010, elaboration of a database to quantify the level and impact of poaching in the protected area and initializing environmental education activities for local children. It was developed in the framework of the Nature Protection and Regional Development in South-East Europe (NatuRegio) Program.
- Monitoring of birds in protected areas Yatata, Baltata, Durankulak Lake, Shabla Lake, Kamchiya Reserve, Kaliakra Reserve, 2003 – 2014
- Supporting the vulture populations in the Eastern Rhodopes by supplying food at artificial feeding platforms, 2005-2014;
- Conservation of rare and endangered plants and their habitats in the Western Rhodopes by drafting proposals for designation of protected territories and buying meadows to conserve valuable habitats, 2011 – 2014;
- Study on the Semi-collared Flycatcher (Ficedula semitorquata) in Bulgaria, 2012 – 2016: a research project that identified the key factors affecting the reproductive ecology of the Semi-collared Flycatcher in Bulgaria. As a result of the project we have a detailed description of the breeding cycle of the Semi-collared Flycatcher in Bulgaria, which allows for the planning of long-term scientific research on this rare and little studied species. The project was carried out and financed by Swedish ornithologist and researcher Johan Traff, in partnership and with the support of scientists from the University of Uppsala – Sweden, the IBER at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, the Bulgarian Ornithological Centre and ornithologists from the Wildlife Conservation Society.
- Kite Festivals – Varna and Shabla, 2014 – 2017: As part of its community outreach activities, the Wildlife Conservation Society is involved as a major partner in the organization of the annual Festivals of Kites in Varna and Shabla, with the main purpose and idea to draw public attention to the need for conservation of migratory birds and their habitats. Main focus and motto of Varna Kite Festival is the WCS initiative “Let’s get to know and love the soaring birds along the Black Sea migration flyway, the Via Pontica”.
- “Volunteers for Nature” (BG03.SGS-21), 2015 – 2016: The project involves theoretical and practical field training of volunteers, held in four sessions over four different seasons, and includes building skills to recognize and record rare and endangered plants and birds typical of the areas of the European ecological network Natura 2000 “Kamchia” and “The Flocks” (Yatata). Besides the training of volunteers, the project includes field work for data collection to feed the National System for Biodiversity Monitoring, participation in public events and educational initiatives aimed at promoting the idea of protecting the biodiversity. It is funded under the program BG03 in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 – 2014.