Red-breasted Geese


Now that the winter season is almost over and the last Red-breasted Geese have left the area of their traditional wintering grounds (the lakes of Shabla and Durankulak), here is the overview of our findings and activities in the past four months:

This winter we had a very peculiar situation – very mild weather with day temperatures reaching over 10 0C even in January.  The milder winter conditions and the lack of snow, which allowed good grazing for the birds further north-east in Ukraine and Russia, resulted in a very late arrival of the Red-breasted Geese in their wintering grounds along the western Black Sea coast and very low numbers compared to previous seasons. The first Red-breasted Geese arrived in their traditional wintering grounds in Bulgaria as late as mid-January. On 15 January 2018 we had the first 335 Red-breasted Geese roosting in Durankulak Lake in Bulgaria and later in the day – about 2000 Red-breasted Geese in the Romanian part of Dobroudzha just across the border.

A higher number of wintering Red-breasted geese was registered in the last days of January. At that time about 5000 Red-Breasted geese and only 2300 Greater White-fronted geese (which usually are much more numerous than the Redbreasts) were observed during our regular monitoring of the wintering birds in the region of Durankulak Lake and the Shabla Lake Complex. The birds stayed in the region for a couple of days only, then their number fluctuated between 600 and 1000 until mid-February until they eventually retreated north.

The variable weather in late February and early March – from very warm (about + 10oC) to very cold (down to about – 10oC) with thick snow cover and strong northern winds just at the time when the geese are ready  to depart north to their breeding grounds in the Siberian tundra – was obviously the reason for the constant divergent movement of the geese along the western Black Sea coast and their irregular number in the Bourgas Lakes and Shabla Lakes in the last 2-3 weeks.  On March 5, 2018 we held our last monitoring session for the season and established a mixed flock of about 2500 – 3000 Red-breasted Geese and about 7000 Greater White-fronted Geese in the wheat crops south of Durankulak Lake. Smaller flocks of about 60 to 90 Redbreasts were flying around during the whole day. On the next day about twice as many birds were counted by our colleagues at Shabla – Ezerets Lake, plus another big flock of about 5000 Redbreasts in the Bourgas Lakes further south. At the time being, all the geese have left the area.

Just for reference:

The highest total count of Red-breasted Geese from their wintering grounds came in January 2013 during the International Waterfowl Count, when around 56,000 birds were counted in Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine. This is believed to be around the current population of the species (AEWA).

On February 15, 2017 we counted 23’780 Red-breasts, together with 47’000 White-fronted Geese and 160 Greylag Geese.

On the background of the unusual delay with which the Red-breasted Geese reached their traditional winter roosts this year and their short stay in the area, we conducted less monitoring and patrolling sessions than we had planned. We started our surveys already in December and we continued them till the beginning of March. During that period we established a much lower hunting pressure compared to previous years, due to the very low number of geese. Poaching usually occurs when hunters come organized from abroad or elsewhere in the country (which was not the case this winter), and out of the hunting season, which is why we continued our surveys till the beginning of March. The bigger problem this season, however,  was the illegal fishing with nets in the dark part of the day, which disturbs the geese at their roosts on the lake and chases them to seek safety in the sea waters. We reported about 20 such instances and managed to prevent about 30 more.

Our combined monitoring and patrolling surveys in the wintering grounds of the globally-threatened Red-Breasted Goose this winter were exclusively carried out with the support of the PUGET SOUND AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ZOO KEEPERS (PSAAZK), to whom we are extremely grateful! The PSAAZK are also supporting our public awareness raising activities during the rest of the year – participation in public events, such as Earth Day, Biodiversity Day, green festivals, exhibitions etc.








Field survey_Coastal Dobrudja2018 Wild geese_sunrise_Durankulak Lake

Red-breasted geese by Dimiter Georgiev


On January 2, 2017 a joint team of the Wildlife Conservation Society and Neophron Tours carried out the scheduled monitoring of waterfowl in the northern Bulgarian Black Sea lakes Durankulak and Shabla, traditionally hosting almost the whole population of the Red-breasted Goose in winter.

During the survey we established 6’390  Red-breasted Geese and 16’400 Greater White-fronted Geese. We also watched 90 Graylag geese in Durankulak Lake. Compared with the survey which we conducted on December 17, 2016 the number of wintering geese in Coastal Dobrudzha has grown considerably, although it is still far from the numbers that accumulate here in the last 20-25 years. With the new cold spell coming this weekend, we expect even bigger numbers of geese at their traditional winter roosts.

In Durankulak again we found a small flock of White-headed ducks (this time 7 birds) – an extremely rare duck, with alarmingly decreasing numbers worldwide.




The attractive event will coincide with the Day of Varna, August 15, and will be held on the beach of Asparuhovo

Kite Festival – Varna 2015 is organized by Club “Asto – Sky Wonders” and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) – a team of enthusiasts with experience in conducting events of this kind and with ambition to turn it into one of the iconic events of Varna in summer. With its international character, this innovative and attractive cultural event contributes to the development of the specific look of the city, encourages creativity and social inclusion of different groups of participants, fosters a love of flying, birds and freedom, and the right attitude to the environment.

This year the festival is dedicated to the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats and is co-funded by the WCS with the support of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009 – 2014.

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With training for volunteers “The wonder world of KAMCHIYA – BIRDS AND PLANTS: Part I”, the Wildlife Conservation Society launched a new project, called “Volunteers for Nature”. The project aims to increase the capacity of volunteers in northeastern Bulgaria for the implementation of biological monitoring and is being implemented with funding of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) – 2009 – 2014.

Theoretical and practical field training of volunteers will be held in four sessions over four different seasons and includes building skills to recognize and record rare and endangered plants and birds typical of the areas of the European ecological network Natura 2000 “Kamchia” and “The Flocks” (Yatata).

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This year once again the Municipality of Shabla and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) participated in the national campaign “Let’s clean Bulgaria together.” The action was held on June 27, 2015 and was attended by representatives of the Municipal Administration Shabla, members and supporters of the WCS. The section of sand dunes separating Eagle Marsh (southeastern part of Durankulak Lake) from the sea was cleaned, and was “relieved” of about 50 garbage bags of waste. More such waste was collected from the beach at camping site “Dobrudzha” near Shabla by workers from temporary employment programs. The municipal office of Durankulak also took part in the campaign by cleaning the riverbed in the village.

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Red-breasted Geese by Chavdar Nikolov


After a severe cold spell in late December 2014, the monitoring of wintering geese conducted by a team of the Wildlife Conservation Society on January 3, 2015, revealed the following situation:
Red-breasted Geese – 16 290, of which 13440 in Shabla Lake Complex (Shabla – Ezerets lakes and Shabla Tuzla) and 2850 in Durankulak Lake and the sea front.
Greater White-fronted Geese – 54 905, of which 38 405 in the Shabla Lake Complex and 16 500 in Durankulak Lake and the sea front.
Graylag Geese – 32 birds were observed in the two wetlands.

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Red-breasted geese by Chavdar Nikolov


On December 6, 2014, a team of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Neophron Tours conducted monitoring of the wintering waterfowl in the coastal lakes of Shabla and Durankulak. According to our expectations, the cold spell that occurred during the first days of December brought about an increase of the number of Red-breasted geese in the area of Coastal Dobrudzha – we observed 720 Red-breasted Geese (Branta ruficollis), 1330 White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons) and 19 Greylag geese (Anser anser).

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A workshop for reportage photography was a part of this year’s events during International Kite Festival – Varna 2014. The workshop and the selection process were carried out with the professional assistance of our partners from Photoplace – Varna.

This year’s Festival of Kites supported the cause of the Wildlife Conservation Society “Let’s get to know and love the soaring birds on the Black Sea migration route Via Pontica”.

Many thanks to all photographers – amateurs and professionals, who sent us their photos. Here is a selection of 22 representative images, which were extremely difficult to select among all the beautiful photos we received :)

Boqn_Yanchev_1 Boqn_Yanchev_2 Boqn_Yanchev_3 Kremena_Dimitrova_1 Kremena_Dimitrova_2 Kremena_Dimitrova_3 Kremena_Dimitrova_4 Marina_Georgieva_1 Marina_Georgieva_2 Marina_Georgieva_3 Marina_Georgieva_4 Plamen_Stefanov_1 Plamen_Stefanov_2 Plamen_Stefanov_3 Plamen_Stefanov_4 Valentin_Vasilev_1 Valentin_Vasilev_2 Valentin_Vasilev_3 Valentin_Vasilev_4 Valentin_Vasilev_5 Veselin_Vasilev_1 Veselin_Vasilev_2

Red-breasted geese by Chavdar Nikolov


November 2, 2014: Late October was unusually cold along the northern and western coast of the Black sea, with rains and snow. So we were looking forward to the weather to improve and to check what has arrived in Coastal Dobrudzha, the northernmost Bulgarian Black sea coast.

On the 1st Nov we did one of the regular bird monitoring in this area, together with colleagues from Neophron Tours, we were lucky to have found the first 24 Red-breasted Geese (Branta ruficollis) for the season – in a flock of about 900 Greater White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons), feeding in a corn stubble field.

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Halsbandsflugsnappare 130712-38 droppfläckar


Summing-up of the third field-season of the project (by Johan Träff)

This year (2014) the field research season lasted from March 25 to June 15. During this period 220 nest-boxes divided in five plots were used in the Goritsa Forest area in the region of Varna. Preliminary figures show that the boxes were used by about 120 breeding pairs of Semi-collared Flycatcher compared to 85 during 2013. This year the area was exposed to a really high rate of predation (~45%), by Forest Dormice, Martens, domestic and wild cats and Aesculapian Snakes.

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